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Con Linux Debian. En Valencia (España)
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El fichero emisoras.txt es donde se guardar las emisoras q llamara
Crear este fichero que contenga lo siguiente
#Por Paco Aldarias. #Fecha 19.04.2004 #Revision seR 10.6.07 #Revision seR 08.4.08 # v 1.0. 29.08.2008. #web de emisoras # #id|Nombre|URL| #RADIOS ESPAÑOLAS #RNE id01|RNE Radio|| id02|RNE Radio Clasica|| id03|RNE Radio 3|| id04|RNE Radio 5|| id05|RNE Radio Exterior de España|| #NOTICIAS id06|Cadena SER|| id07|Cope|| id08|OndaCero|| #MUSICA id09|Classic FM|| id10|Los 40 Principales|mms://| id11|M80 Radio|mms://| id12|Europa FM|| id13|Cadena 100|| id14|Kiss FM|| id15|Maxima FM|| id16|Cadena Dial|mms://| id17|MqmDance|mplayer -cache 256| #EMISORAS EXTRANJERAS #NOTICIAS #Talk Station id18|World Radio Network Talk Radio|| id19|Bournemouth Internet Radio Station|| id20|Talk Sport|| id21|CHED Canada|| id22|Australian Broadcasting News|| id23|Bloomberg|| #MUSICALES id24|All Funky|| id25|The Entertainment Authority|| id26|Baja Radio|| id27|Choice Radio|| id28|Hawk FM|| id29|The Core|| id30|Radio Free Virgin Hot Country|| #COUNTRY id31|24 hour Bluegrass|| id32|Choice Radio Country|| id33|88 Jazz Place|| #JAZZ id34|blake Radio|| id35|City World Jazz|| id36|Musicians.Net|| id37|Radio Free Virgin Avant Guardians|| id38|Jazz FM|| id381|The Internet's Original Smooth Jazz Radio Station|| #BLUES id39|British Blues Radio|| id40|City World Blues|| id41|Electric Blues Radio|| id42|Radio Cave|| id43|Radio Free Virgin Blues|| id44|House of Blues|| #ROCK id45|Heart FM (Soft Rock)|| id46|Totally Radio Reggae|| id47|Total Rock|| id48|All Hard FM|| id49|City Head Rock|| id50|City Head Classic Rock|| #CLASICAL id51|2000 Classical.Com|| id52|ChoiceRadioClassical|| id53|Classic FM|| id54|Colorado Public Radio|| id55|Radio Antena 2|| id56|Radio 13.Net|| #OLD TIME id57|Brando Classics|| id58|Flix radio from the movies|| id59|Ragtime Radio Jukebox|| id60|Rat Pack Live|| id61|Sorrento Live Radio|| #FOREING LANGUAGE id62|Asahi Broadcasting, Osaka|| id63|NRK Norway|| id64|Red AM Mexico|| #RELIGIOUS id65|Bay Breeze|| id66|Inspirational Broadcasting Network|| id67|The Gospel Station|| id68|The Heart of Religion Network|| id69|Worldwide Bible Radio|| id70|Family Life Network|| #DIGITAL MUSIC id72|Chillout|| id73|Deep House|| #RADIOS PERUANAS id74|RPP RADIO||
#!/bin/bash #Por Paco Aldarias. #Fecha 19.04.2004 f="emisoras.txt" function l() { cat $f } function e() { url=$(cat $f | grep $1 | cut -d "|" -f3) echo $url mplayer -prefer-ipv4 -af lavcresample=44100 -cache 32 $url #mplayer -playlist $url } case "$1" in l) l ;; e) e "$2" ;; h) echo ******* Ayuda *************************************************** echo Este fichero necesita de emisoras.txt echo Para listar las emisoras: ./ l echo Para escuchar la emisora con id02: ./ e id02 echo Por Paco Aldarias Raya. 19.04.2005. ;; *) echo "Uso: l | e id | h" exit 1 ;; esac
#!/bin/sh #set -x export LANG=C # v 1.0. 29.08.2008 RUTA="/winf/emisoras1" # Directorio donde se guardan los archivos NLISTA="emisoras.txt" # Nombre de la lista de radios PLAYER="/usr/bin/gmplayer -prefer-ipv4 -af lavcresample=44100 -cache 32 " # Reproductor elegido VERSION=0.1 NOMBRE="$RUTA/$NLISTA" LISTA="`cat emisoras.txt | grep -v "\#" | grep "." | sed -e "s/^/<item>/" -e "s/$/<\/item>/"`" PIDXRADIO=$$ export ABOUT=" <vbox> <frame> <text><label> \"\" </label></text> <text use-markup=\"true\"> <label>\"<b><u><i><big>RadioxInternet</big></i></u></b>\"</label> </text> <text><label> \"\" </label></text> <text><label>Version $VERSION - Por Paco Aldarias</label></text> <text><label> \"\" </label></text> <text><label>Valencia. España (2008)</label></text> <text><label> \"\" </label></text> </frame> <hbox> <button> <label>Cerrar</label> <action>closewindow:ABOUT</action> </button> </hbox> </vbox> " export SMOOTH=" <vbox> <frame> <text><label> \"\" </label></text> <text use-markup=\"true\"> <label>\"<b><u><i><big></big></i></u></b>\"</label> </text> <text><label>Smooth Jazz</label></text> <text><label> \"\" </label></text> </frame> <hbox> <button> <label>Exchuchar</label> <action>sh </action> </button> <button> <label>Cerrar</label> <action>closewindow:ABOUT</action> </button> </hbox> </vbox> " MAIN_DIALOG=" <window title=\"X-Radio $VERSION\" icon-name=\"gtk-about\" resizable=\"true\"> <hbox spacing=\"10\"> <frame Lista de Radios> <table> <height>250</height><width>450</width> <variable>TABLE</variable> <label>Número|Nombre de la Emisora|Descripcion</label> $LISTA </table> </frame> <vbox spacing=\"50\" homogeneous=\"true\"> <vbox homogeneous=\"true\"> <frame> <button> <input file icon=\"gtk-ok\"></input> <label>Seleccionar</label> <action> '$RUTA/' '$PLAYER' \$TABLE && PIDMPLAYERr=$! </action> </button> <button> <input file icon=\"gtk-ok\"></input> <label>Smooth Jazz</label> <action>launch:SMOOTH</action> </button> <button> <input file icon=\"gtk-quit\"></input> <label>Salir</label> <action type=\" kill $PIDMPLAYER && kill $PIDXRADIO && exit \">Exit-now</action> </button> </frame> </vbox> <button> <input file icon=\"gtk-about\"></input> <label>Acerca de...</label> <action>launch:ABOUT</action> </button> </vbox> </hbox> </window> " export MAIN_DIALOG export LISTA #gtkdialog --debug --center --program MAIN_DIALOG gtkdialog --center --program MAIN_DIALOG #killall $(echo "$PLAYER" | cut -d " " -f1) &> /dev/null
Este script permite escuchar smoothjazz con linux:
#!/bin/sh # Por Paco Aldarias. # v 1.0. 29.08.2008 a="" SCRIPT=$$ echo $SCRIPT > case "$1" in start) #Bucle infinito while true do wget $a -O /tmp/temp.pls sed -e "s/\r/\r\n/g" /tmp/temp.pls > /tmp/temp2.pls cat /tmp/temp2.pls killall -9 gmplayer gmplayer -prefer-ipv4 -playlist /tmp/temp2.pls done ;; stop) kill -9 $(cat killall -9 gmplayer ;; *) echo "Uso: $0 start|stop " ;; esac
This document was generated using the LaTeX2HTML translator Version 2002-2-1 (1.71)
Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996,
Nikos Drakos,
Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.
Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999,
Ross Moore,
Mathematics Department, Macquarie University, Sydney.
The command line arguments were:
latex2html emisoras -split 0 -local_icons 1 -show_section_numbers -no_auto_link -no_navigation
The translation was initiated by Paco on 2008-08-29