Email: pacolinux arroba inicia punto es
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Realizado con: LATEX
Slrn es un lector de news en modo texto. Dispone de letras de colores para direnciar elementos.
apt-get install slrn
Debe ir en el home del usuario con nombre:
% -*- slang -*- %% This is a sample startup file for the slrn newsreader and meant as a %% template for your personal startup file; it is not a full reference %% of slrn's config options -- please see the reference manual for this. %% The percent character is used for comments. % %% 1. Tell slrn about your identity (name, email address and such) % % The "From:" header will be generated from the following three variables. % With the example settings, it would read " (John Doe)". %set username "john" %set hostname "" %set realname "John Doe" set username "responderalgrupo" set hostname "" set realname "pacolinux" %set x-face "lc(^UA!tr_&wKed'uG\u%`2o7&tR2x^'E[2vhBGII3+l<&R@-ffwi-BEy{hS~kmO4'>D_C %q<&Q,=P\<vcNT2P^DSrW<c"A_9q4,T2+)SLnyn^X!*6hF0;suU>V2V&tA(>Tfb(CLz.Fdc_n?}vK@E MBJ!yx<@q$X"0&F|iHc|+(QxUX-,0/" % Set this if you want replies to your articles to go to a address different % from the one in "From:". %set replyto "" set replyto "" % What to put into the "Organization:" header line. %set organization "Doe inc." % The name of your signature file. If "", no signature is added. %set signature ".signature" set signature "firma.txt" % %% 2. Server specific settings % % Tell slrn which newsrc file it should use for which server. % Note: This does *not* set the default server; you need to set the % NNTPSERVER environment variable for this. %server "" ".jnewsrc-doe" % If a server requires authentication, add a nnrpaccess line for it. % If you leave username and/or password empty, slrn will prompt for it. %nnrpaccess "" "john" "secret" % Some servers require authentication, but don't ask for it. % To offer your authentication data "voluntarily", set this variable to 1. %set force_authentication 0 % This can either be set to "nntp" (read online) or "spool" (use local spool) %set server_object "nntp" % This can be "nntp" (post directly to the server), "inews" (use external % program for posting) or "slrnpull" (spool message for slrnpull to send). %set post_object "nntp" % Set this to zero if you want to leave Message-ID generation to your server % or your system does not have a proper unique hostname. %set generate_message_id 1 % If non-zero, slrn reads the active file on each startup. You might want to % use this if your network connection is fast or the server has few groups. %set read_active 0 % The following variables are only meaningful when using spool mode: % Basic directory settings %set spool_inn_root "/var/lib/news" %set spool_root "/var/spool/news" %set spool_nov_root "/var/spool/news/over.view" % These are relative to spool_inn_root unless they start with "/". %set spool_active_file "data/active" %set spool_activetimes_file "data/active.times" %set spool_newsgroups_file "data/newsgroups" % This value is relative to the directories under spool_nov_root: %set spool_nov_file ".overview" % Whether to check for each article when reading an overview file (slower, % but may save you from lots of "article not available" errors). %set spool_check_up_on_nov 0 % %% 3. Which external programs do you want to use? % % Note OS/2 and Win32 users: % To separate directories you can either use a single '/' or % double '\\'. Single backslashes are not supported. For example, use % "C:\\home\\file.txt" or "C:/home/file.txt" but NOT "C:\home\file.txt" % Set your favourite editor. Use %s for the file name and %d for the line % where the cursor should be placed (usually at the beginning of the body). %set editor_command "jed '%s' -g %d -tmp" set editor_command "nano '%s'" % You can have separate commands for editing posts, mail, and score files. %set mail_editor_command "jed '%s' -g %d -tmp --mail-mode" %set post_editor_command "jed '%s' -g %d -tmp --mail-mode" %set score_editor_command "jed '%s' -g %d -tmp --score-arrange-score" % If non-zero, abort posting or email operation if the file was not modified % by the editor. %set abort_unmodified_edits 0 % In case we need metamail to display an article: %set metamail_command "metamail" % WWW browser to use. Xbrowser is used when the DISPLAY environment variable % is set; non_Xbrowser otherwise. set non_Xbrowser "lynx '%s'" set Xbrowser "netscape '%s' &" % Command to use for printing % Note: On Win32, this variable defines the name of the printer queue to use. set printer_name "lpr -Plp" % In case you want to use another mailer than sendmail. Be sure that it % implements the same interface, though! %set sendmail_command "/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t -oem -odb" % Set this to one if you want the "From:" header in e-mails to be generated % from the hostname / username / realname variable. % Note: Not all MTAs are configured to allow this. %set generate_email_from 0 % %% 4. Directory / file names % % Note: All filenames in this section are relative to HOME unless they start % with a '/'. % Filename where articles / email you sent are archived. % Note: If these are unset, slrn does not keep a copy of outgoing messages. %set save_posts "News/My_Posts" %set save_replies "News/My_Replies" % File where failed posts are appended. Use "" to disable saving. %set failed_posts_file "dead.letter" % Name of score file. set scorefile "News/Score" % Name of directory where decoded files are placed. set decode_directory "News" % Directory where all other files are saved. set save_directory "News" % Directory where postponed articles are placed. Please make sure it exists. %set postpone_directory "News/postponed" % Whether to put temporary files for postings, followups and replies in the % directory specified by the TMPDIR environment variable or /tmp. %set use_tmpdir 0 % %% 5. Attribution lines / custom headers % % This sets the attribution lines for follow-ups and replies. The following % format specifiers are recognized: % %d:date, %D:date (formatted), %r:real name, %R:first name, % %f:email address, %s:subject, %m:msgid, %n:newsgroups, %%: percent %set followup_string "On %D, %r <%f> wrote:" %set reply_string "In %n, you wrote:" set followup_string "El %D, %r <%f> dijo asÃ:" set reply_string "El %n, escribistes:" % Custom headers to add to *new* posts %set custom_headers "Mail-Copies-To: nobody" % Custom headers for followup/reply/supersedes. These can use format % specifiers as in the 'followup_string' variable. %set followup_custom_headers "Mail-Copies-To: nobody" %set reply_custom_headers "X-newsgroup: %n\nX-realname: %r" %set supersedes_custom_headers "X-Superseded-Date: %d" % These are inserted when sending email CCs of your postings. % cc_post_string currently does not support any % escapes. %set cc_followup_string "[This message has also been posted to %n.]" %set cc_post_string "[This message has also been posted.]" % How to display the groups index group_display_format 0 " %F [%-5u|%-6t] %n%45g%d" group_display_format 1 " %F%-5u %n%45g%d" group_display_format 2 " %F%-5u %n%50g%-8l-%h" group_display_format 3 " %F%-5u [%-6t] %n" % The item specifier _x_ is required and, depending % on it value, has the following meaning: % s : subject % S : score % r : author real name % f : from header % G : Group lens score % l : Number of lines % n : server number % d : date % t : thread tree % F : flags (read/unread, `*' and `#' tags, header number) % % : percent character % g : goto a specified column header_display_format 0 "%F [%17d] %t %s %12r %-20g%-S %-4l" header_display_format 1 "%F%G%-5l: %d [%12r]%t%s" header_display_format 2 "%F%-5l%d:%t%s" header_display_format 3 "%F%-5S%-5l%d:%t%50s %r" header_display_format 4 "%F%-5S [%10r]:%t%49s %-19g[%17d]" % %% 6. Character mapping / MIME support % % Character set used for the local display; valid values are: % isolatin, ibm850, ibm852, next, koi8 set charset isolatin % Character set to declare when posting 8bit characters. Do *not* use % the same value as for "charset" here. set mime_charset "iso-8859-1" % You may set this to a comma-separated list of MIME charsets your terminal % is capable to display. The example adds two Chinese charsets: %compatible_charsets "Big5,gb2312" % If non-zero, call metamail for MIME formats slrn cannot handle. %set use_metamail 1 % %% 7. Some preferences for the header window (see the manual for more) % % These sorting methods are available: % If 0, do not sort. If 1, perform threading. If 2, sort by subject. % If 3, thread then sort result by subject. % If 4, sort by score. If 5, thread then sort by score. % If 6, sort by score and subject. % If 7, thread, then sort by score and subject. % If 8, sort by date with most recent first. % If 9, thread, then sort by date with most recent first. % If 10, sort by date with most recent last. % If 11, thread then sort by date with most recent last. %set sorting_method 3 set sorting_method 7 % If non-zero, a header with a new subject will start a new thread. %set new_subject_breaks_threads 0 % %% 8. Some preferences for the article pager (see the manual for more) % % Which headers do you want to see by default? % You can also match all headers starting with a given string and exclude % specific headers by preceding them with "!" (e.g. use "X-,!X-Trace:" to % display all the "X-"headers except "X-Trace:"). %visible_headers "From:,Subject:,Newsgroups:,Followup-To:,Reply-To:" visible_headers "From:,Subject:,Date:,Newsgroups:,Followup-To:,Reply-To: % If non-zero, #v+ and #v- will be interpreted as markers of verbatim lines. %set process_verbatim_marks 1 % If non-zero, hide #v+/#v- verbatim marks. %set hide_verbatim_marks 0 % If non-zero, hide signature in articles. %set hide_signature 0 % If non-zero, hide PGP signature in articles. %set hide_pgpsignature 0 % %% 9. Display / color settings % % If non-zero, slrn will draw the thread tree using simple ascii characters %set simulate_graphic_chars 0 % Enable xterm/win32 mouse support: 1 to enable, 0 to disable %set mouse 0 % Draw cursor bar ala tin instead of slrn "->" cursor? %set display_cursor_bar 0 % Set to 1 to have slrn scroll by full page instead of by line. %set scroll_by_page 0 % Should color be used to indicate the score of an article? % (0) scores do not influence colors (1) scores are colored by their value % (2) subjects are colored by score (3) both are colored by score %set color_by_score 3 % If non-zero, the subjects of unread articles are highlighted %set highlight_unread_subjects 1 % If non-zero, URLs are highlighted. %set highlight_urls 1 % Enables blinking in monochrome mode and allows bright backgrounds in some % color terminals: %set use_blink 1 % This color object is only used when highlight_unread_subjects is set to 2 % (see the reference manual for details): color unread_subject "white" "black" "bold" mono unread_subject "bold" % These settings are used for color terminals: color article "lightgray" "black" color author "yellow" "black" color boldtext "brightblue" "black" "bold" color box "black" "white" color cursor "brightgreen" "black" color date "lightgray" "black" color description "lightgray" "black" color error "red" "black" "blink" color frame "yellow" "blue" color from_myself "brightmagenta" "black" "bold" color group "lightgray" "black" "bold" color grouplens_display "lightgray" "black" color header_name "green" "black" "bold" color header_number "green" "black" color headers "brightcyan" "black" color neg_score "green" "black" color pos_score "blue" "black" color high_score "red" "black" "bold" color italicstext "magenta" "black" "bold" color menu "yellow" "blue" color menu_press "lightgray" "yellow" color message "lightgray" "black" color normal "lightgray" "black" color pgpsignature "lightgray" "black" color quotes "red" "black" color quotes1 "magenta" "black" color quotes2 "brown" "black" color quotes3 "brown" "black" color quotes4 "brown" "black" color quotes5 "brown" "black" color quotes6 "brown" "black" color quotes7 "brown" "black" color response_char "green" "black" "bold" color signature "red" "black" color selection "yellow" "blue" "bold" color status "yellow" "blue" color subject "lightgray" "black" color thread_number "lightgray" "black" "bold" color tilde "green" "black" "bold" color tree "red" "black" "bold" color underlinetext "cyan" "black" "underline" color url "white" "black" "bold" color verbatim "green" "black" % These attributes are for terminals that cannot display color: mono article "none" mono author "none" mono boldtext "bold" mono cursor "bold" "reverse" mono date "none" mono description "none" mono error "blink" mono frame "reverse" mono from_myself "bold" mono group "bold" mono grouplens_display "none" mono header_name "bold" mono header_number "none" mono headers "none" mono high_score "bold" mono italicstext "bold" mono menu "reverse" mono menu_press "none" mono neg_score "none" mono normal "none" mono pgpsignature "none" mono pos_score "reverse" mono quotes "none" mono quotes1 "none" mono quotes2 "none" mono quotes3 "none" mono quotes4 "none" mono quotes5 "none" mono quotes6 "none" mono quotes7 "none" mono response_char "bold" mono selection "bold" mono signature "none" mono status "reverse" mono subject "none" mono thread_number "bold" mono tilde "bold" mono tree "none" mono underlinetext "underline" mono url "bold" mono verbatim "none" % %% 10. Group mode key bindings % % Cursor movement: setkey group line_down "<Down>" % Go to the next group setkey group line_down "^N" setkey group line_up "<Up>" % Go to the previous group setkey group line_up "^P" setkey group page_down "^V" % Scroll to the next page setkey group page_down "<PageDown>" setkey group page_down "^D" setkey group page_up "<Esc>V" % Scroll to the previous page setkey group page_up "<PageUp>" setkey group page_up "^U" setkey group bob "<Esc><" % Go to the bottom of the list setkey group bob "^K<Up>" setkey group eob "<Esc>>" % Go to the top of the list setkey group eob "^K<Down>" setkey group group_search_backward "\\"% Group keyword search backward setkey group group_search_forward "/" % Group keyword search forward % Actions: setkey group select_group "<Space>" % Enter the current newsgroup setkey group select_group "<Return>" setkey group post "P" % Post an article setkey group post_postponed "<Esc>P" % Post or edit a postponed article setkey group refresh_groups "G" % Get new news from server setkey group toggle_scoring "K" % Select scoring mode setkey group repeat_last_key "." % Repeat last key sequence setkey group evaluate_cmd "^X<Esc>" % Read line and interpret it as S-Lang setkey group suspend "^Z" % Suspend slrn setkey group quit "Q" % Quit slrn % Group management: setkey group catchup "C" % Mark all articles as read setkey group uncatchup "<Esc>u" % Mark all articles as unread setkey group add_group "a" % Add a new newsgroup setkey group subscribe "S" % Subscribe to the current newsgroup setkey group unsubscribe "U" % Unsubscribe from the current newsgroup setkey group move_group "m" % Move newsgroup to a different location setkey group transpose_groups "^X^T" % Transpose position of groups setkey group save_newsrc "X" % Force a save of the newsrc file % Display: setkey group toggle_group_formats "<Esc>A" % Toggle group display formats setkey group toggle_hidden "l" % Toggle display of hidden groups setkey group toggle_list_all "L" % Toggle listing of unsubscribed groups setkey group redraw "^L" % Redraw the screen setkey group redraw "^R" setkey group help "?" % Display a help screen % %% 11. Article mode key bindings % % General movement: setkey article next "n" % next unread article setkey article previous "p" % previous unread article setkey article skip_to_next_group "N" % go to the next group setkey article skip_to_next_group "<Esc><Right>" setkey article skip_to_previous_group "<Esc><Left>" % go to the previous group setkey article next_high_score "!" % next article with high score setkey article next_same_subject "=" % next article with same subject setkey article goto_last_read "L" % go to the last read article % Actions: setkey article post "P" % Post a new article setkey article post_postponed "<Esc>P" % Post/edit a postponed article setkey article followup "f" % Post a followup setkey article reply "r" % Reply to poster setkey article forward "F" % Forward posting via mail setkey article supersede "<Esc>^S" % Supersede article setkey article cancel "<Esc>^C" % Cancel article setkey article save "O" % Save article setkey article pipe "|" % Pipe article setkey article print "y" % Print article setkey article decode ":" % Decode article setkey article suspend "^Z" % Suspend slrn setkey article quit "q" % Quit slrn setkey article fast_quit "Q" % Quit slrn immediately % Moving in the article pager: setkey article article_line_down "<Down>" % Scroll article down one line setkey article article_line_down "<Return>" setkey article article_line_up "<Up>" % Scroll article up one line setkey article article_page_down "<Space>" % Scroll article down one page setkey article article_page_up "<Backspace>" % Scroll article up one page setkey article article_page_up "b" % Scroll article up one page setkey article article_eob ">" % Move to the end of the article setkey article article_bob "<" % Move to the beginning setkey article article_left "^<Left>" % Pan article to the left setkey article article_right "^<Right>" % Pan article to the right setkey article article_search "/" % Search forward in the article setkey article skip_quotes "<Tab>" % Skip beyond quoted text setkey article forward_digest "g" % Skip to next digest % Moving in the header display: setkey article header_line_down "<Left>" % Move to next article setkey article header_line_down "^N" setkey article header_line_up "<Right>" % Move to previous article setkey article header_line_up "^P" setkey article header_page_down "^V" % Scroll down one page setkey article header_page_down "<PageDown>" setkey article header_page_down "^D" setkey article header_page_up "<Esc>V" % Scroll up one page setkey article header_page_up "<PageUp>" setkey article header_page_up "^U" setkey article header_eob "<Esc>>" % Go to last article in group setkey article header_bob "<Esc><" % Go to first article in group setkey article goto_article "j" % Move to article (number) setkey article author_search_forward "a" % Author search forward setkey article author_search_backward "A" % Author search backward setkey article subject_search_forward "s" % Subject search forward setkey article subject_search_backward "S" % Subject search backward % Marking as read/unread: setkey article delete "d" % Mark article as read setkey article undelete "u" % Mark article as unread setkey article delete_thread "<Esc>d" % Mark (Sub-)Thread as read setkey article catchup_all "c" % Mark all articles as read setkey article catchup_all "<Esc>c" setkey article catchup "<Esc>C" % Catchup (up to this article) setkey article uncatchup_all "<Esc>u" % Mark all articles as unread setkey article uncatchup "<Esc>U" % Uncatchup (up to this article) setkey article expunge "x" % Remove all read articles % Display properties: setkey article toggle_headers "t" % Full headers (on/off) setkey article toggle_rot13 "<Esc>R" % Toggle ROT-13 decryption setkey article toggle_quotes "T" % Display quoted lines (on/off) setkey article toggle_signature "\\" % Show signature (on/off) setkey article wrap_article "W" % Wrap long lines (on/off) setkey article show_spoilers "<Esc>?" % Reveal spoilers (on/off) setkey article toggle_pgpsignature "]" % Show PGP signature (on/off) setkey article toggle_verbatim_marks "[" % Show verbatim marks (on/off) setkey article enlarge_article_window "^" % Enlarge the article window setkey article shrink_article_window "^^" % Shrink the article window setkey article zoom_article_window "z" % Maximize/Unmaximize article setkey article hide_article "h" % Hide/Show the article window setkey article browse_url "U" % Search for URL and follow it setkey article toggle_sort "<Esc>S" % Select threading method setkey article toggle_collapse_threads "<Esc>t" % Collapse/Uncollapse thread setkey article toggle_header_formats "<Esc>a" % Toggle header display formats setkey article redraw "^L" % Redraw screen setkey article redraw "^R" % Redraw screen setkey article help "?" % Display help screen % Miscellaneous actions: setkey article create_score "K" % Create a scorefile entry setkey article view_scores "v" % Show which rules matched setkey article locate_article "<Esc>l" % Locate article by Message-ID setkey article get_children_headers "<Esc>^P" % Find all children setkey article get_parent_header "<Esc>p" % Reconstruct thread setkey article mark_spot ";" % Mark current article position setkey article exchange_mark "," % Return to marked article setkey article tag_header "#" % Numerically tag article setkey article untag_headers "<Esc>#" % Remove all numerical tags setkey article toggle_header_tag "*" % Set/remove header tag setkey article repeat_last_key "." % Repeat last key sequence setkey article grouplens_rate_article "0" % Rate article with grouplens setkey article evaluate_cmd "^X<Esc>" % Interpret line as S-Lang % %% Command prompt key bindings % setkey readline bol "^A" % Beginning of line setkey readline eol "^E" % End of line setkey readline right "^<Right>" % Move right setkey readline left "^<Left>" % Move left setkey readline bdel "^H" % Delete backward setkey readline bdel "^?" % Delete Backward setkey readline del "^D" % Delete Foreword setkey readline delbol "^U" % Delete to Beginning of line setkey readline delbow "^W" % Delete to Beginning of word setkey readline deleol "^K" % Delete to End of line setkey readline trim "<Esc>/" % Trim whitespace setkey readline quoted_insert "^Q" % Quoted insert setkey readline complete "<Tab>" % Complete filename setkey readline cycle " " % Cycle among filenames
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